Smile Design

Smile design has developed with the increasing aesthetic demand of individuals all over the world and especially in America, and excellent results have been obtained by combining the wishes of the person with naturalness and function.

Modern dentistry has developed to meet all aesthetic expectations of physicians and patients with new techniques and designs. Certain factors that vary from person to person affect your smile. These;
Your age
Your gender
Your lips
Your gums
Color and form of your teeth
It can be listed as your facial structure.

The age factor is the most notable. Your facial features change over the years. As small wrinkles appear, differences begin in the mouth and chin area.

First of all, factors such as tea, coffee and cigarettes that you have used for years cause your smile to turn pale, your tooth color to darken and lose its old shine as the enamel layer of the tooth wears off. In addition, with the passing years, the functioning teeth are worn, fractures and cracks may occur in the anterior region, while shortening of the crown length may occur in the posterior regions of the teeth.

These shortenings in the posterior teeth, combined with the melting and thinning of the jaw bones, cause a collapse in the general appearance of the face. All these make the person look old.

All these problems can now be easily solved with different methods of aesthetic dentistry. While the simple discoloration problems in the teeth are eliminated with the bleaching process, there are ideal solutions for aesthetic problems in the anterior region with composite bonding or porcelain laminate veneer.

Problems in the back teeth are eliminated with porcelain onlays or veneers. Thus, both aesthetics and chewing function and phonation (speech) of the person are reshaped within their natural limits.

In short, it is now in your hands to rejuvenate your smile with these treatments that are completely compatible with your face...