Dental Digital Tomography

Dental tomography (dental CT) is a type of radiography technique for imaging teeth and jawbones. Dental CT images provide more detailed information about the structure of the teeth and jawbones and show how the teeth and jawbones are properly aligned and arranged. This technique is used by dentists in situations such as placement of implants, endodontic treatment of teeth (root canal treatment), and evaluation of the structure of teeth and jawbones.

Dental CT images consist of multiple low-dose x-ray scans that are collected in one cycle. The dental CT machine is designed as a loop formed by a tube and a detector, which rotates on the jaw. In this way, multiple low-dose x-ray scans are made on the jaw and these scans are combined to create a 3D image.

Dental CT images provide dentists with more detailed information about the structure of teeth and jawbones, and this information shows how the teeth and jawbones are properly aligned and arranged. This information is important in situations such as placement of implants, endodontic treatment of teeth (root canal treatment) and evaluation of the structure of teeth and jawbones by dentists.