Intraoral Scanners

Taking measurements in aesthetic and surgical dental procedures is an important process for successful results. In order to do this correctly, measurements were taken with traditional methods before. However, this could bring with it a margin of error. With the developing technology, the possibilities have also become easier. Now, thanks to the 3d scanning device, the measurement of the desired areas in the mouth can be taken easily. Providing convenience for both the patient and the dentist, intraoral scanners provide a smooth and successful scanning experience.

What is Intraoral Scanner?
There is a need for measuring inside the mouth, especially in prosthetic dental treatments. In line with these, prosthetic teeth are produced. The operation cannot be performed due to a missing or excessive measure. Scanning with traditional methods was a daunting procedure for patients. Today, this is done more comfortably and safely with intraoral scanner devices. In this sense, we can answer the question of what is an intraoral scanner, in its most general definition, as a device used to take measurements in the mouth structure perfectly in prosthetic and orthodontic treatments.

Types of Intraoral Scanner
The diversity of these devices, which are used to take measurements in the mouth, can be evaluated within the features of the devices. Basically each one is ergonomic and rechargeable. Devices that are easy to hold in hand transfer the imaging of the desired area in the mouth to digital media in almost 1-2 minutes. The state of the teeth is displayed in 3D. Along with these, the dentist determines the most accurate tooth size. In prosthetic treatments, with an accurate measurement, patients can have prosthetic teeth as soon as possible.

* Lightweight and cordless to use comfortably.
* They offer a deep and wide viewing opportunity.
* It can be used to detect many different dental problems.
*Thanks to the touch screen feature, operations provide fast transitions.

What Do Oral Scanners Do?
In general, it is possible to measure the teeth or a region with an intraoral scanning device. These may also be needed in different problems. These devices are used for prosthesis production, lamina, bridge, laminate processes, orthodontic treatments for transparent plaques. For example, if there is a situation where a lamina procedure will be applied, the area is anesthetized with anesthetic agents. In order to take measurements in the area that is suitable for the process, the process is performed with the help of these devices. The measurements taken are sent to the laboratory and the tooth in the determined dimensions is obtained and delivered to the clinic again.