Laminate Veneers

What is Laminate Veneer (Laminate Veneer) ?

Laminate Veneers are porcelain leaves that adhere to the front surfaces of the teeth. It is one of the most protective among the prosthetic treatments that can be done for aesthetic purposes. This is because too little tissue is removed from the tooth for veneers to be made. It is sufficient to remove an average of 0.3 – 0.7 mm of tooth tissue. Then the veneers are prepared in the desired color and form and adhered. They are very successful aesthetically, as they are very thin and do not contain metal. Laminate veneers have a unique ability to allow light to pass through, making the applied teeth look completely real.

With this feature, it looks like a real tooth in flash and disco lights.

The light transmittance of laminates varies according to the porcelain used and the construction technique.

Porcelain Laminate Veneers are indistinguishable from natural teeth as they require minimum preparation, are not stained by factors such as cigarettes, tea, coffee, and have light transmission properties.

Laminate Veneers are a very suitable treatment option for the following conditions;
* If pressure and bruising have occurred on the gingiva due to the previously made metal-supported porcelain crowns
* If there are spaces between the teeth (diastama)
* For unsightly stained teeth
* In closing the fillings that look ugly in the mouth
* Distorted, crooked teeth
* For those who are not satisfied with the shape of the teeth
* In tooth discoloration in the anterior region
* In cases with large fillings in the front teeth and lack of aesthetic appearance as a result of filling the caries with filling
* People with broken or worn front teeth